vim 9.0 has been released. I haven’t done much with it, but I did immediately go and enable the new popup menu for autocompletions. It’s so much nicer than having the autocompletion options running horizontally across the screen.

The new popup menu looks like this:

Example of popup menu

Here are the relevant lines from my .vimrc file:

set wildchar=<Tab>
set wildmenu
if v:version >= 900
    " Set popup menu
    set wildoptions=pum
set wildmode=longest:full,full
set wildignore=*~,#*#,*.sw?,*.o,*.class,.viminfo,*.pdf,*.mp3,*.gz,*.tgz,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png

The new thing is:

if v:version >= 900
    " Set popup menu
    set wildoptions=pum

I check the vim version because not everyone machine I work on is using vim 9 yet.